Monday, February 26, 2018


For your Golden Hour Photo shoot you need to edit 5 photos in light room! You will be posting your photos in a series in your blog. You may use Pic monkey to create a layout or just post them large.. I prefer to use a grid for all of my photo shoots. I think it makes my blog look more professional

What You know about Lightroom
-How to import and export
-How to use the sliders
-How to change a photo to black and white (don't do this for golden hour)
-How to use brushes
-How to use presets

let's practice 
tips to review today

Tip 1-- quick select with brushes---- photos with obvious shapes
-When using the brush tool hold down ctrl and it will "quick select" the edges of your photo
-To erase hold down ALT

Tip 2-- how to sharpen without creating grain-----photos with lots of detail
-click on the detail area and work with the sharpening tools
-hold ALT and play with the masking slider
-*It will turn black and white-- the white areas is what the software wants to sharpen
-Hold down ALT again and use the sharpening tool.. now you can better see what is being sharpened and avoid grain.
-Now play with radius to avoid the halo affect around your sharp edges

*Hold Down Alt and click the white-- your image turns black.. use the slider when your photo turns white that means its over exposed!!
* Don't for get the Y button to see the before and after of your edits
* Clicking the right button on your mouse will change the background color.
*Click F to see your photo full screen
*Using camera calibration-- you can change the preset of your image to a different camera make or model

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Work on your portfolio, check the blog page for details....look at the bottom for statement & reflection -type up your index, titles,...